The Mighty Loop
What is it?
The Loop is a sequence where we get a tour of the area surrounding the house. Starts with top down of yard (if yard is nice) or just the home, pulls up slowly, then shows the horizon before moving and showing the area. Sometimes wind, rain or bad luck prevent us from making it all the way around.
How to Fly it!
Point the camera straight down over the subject, as close to the subject as possible. Make sure you have a clear path to climb straight up vertically past any obstacles or tree line. Once high enough that clear of the tree line or any other obstacles, at least 150ft, begin to fly backwards from the target while continuing to climb and using your gimbal controls to keep the target in frame. The target should transfer from the center of the grid to the lower center of the grid. Continue to fly backwards and adjust the gimbal until the entire horizon is in view and the subject never left the frame. Pause for a moment. Begin a wide sweeping orbit around the target with the goal of keeping the target always in its third square while allowing the viewer to see beyond to area features. Always be conscious if area feature like mountains, lakes, schools, shopping centers, water views, etc… and plan your loop direction to feature them.